My Name is Farah Khanum
A passionate Software Developer
I design and code beautifully simple things, and I love what I do.
I am Enthusiastic Programmer. I am Quick Learner with a self-learning attitude. I love to learn & explore new technologies & passionate about problem-solving.
I am currently looking for a full time position in an environment that offers a greater challenge, enhance my skills ,and the opportunity to help the company advance efficiently and productively.
I value simple content structure, clean design patterns, and thoughtful interactions.
Design Tools: Figma ,Canva
Frontend Developer
I like to code things, and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser.
Languages : Html , Css ,Sass ,Git .
Dev Tools : Vs Code , Github , Bootstrap ,Wordpress ,Notion.
“I am deeply passionate about blogging because it allows for creative expression and the sharing of knowledge. Blogging provides a platform for voices that might not otherwise be heard.”
Welcome to my web portfolio! Here, you’ll find acurated showcase of my professional journey, skills, and passions.
Brand Design
Website Designed
Tin Dog
To-Do List
Product Landing Page
RPS Game
Contact Us - UI Challenge
Using Html & Css
Using HTML ,CSS & JavaScript for Validation
“I am deeply passionate about continuous learning and personal growth. Whether it’s diving into new technology trends. My enthusiasm for learning ensures that I remain open-minded and motivated in both my personal and professional life.”
I am committed to excellence and my ability to deliver high-quality work consistently. I prioritize tasks effectively and manage time efficiently to meet deadlines.
I have a keen ability to understand others perspectives and needs. Whether its’s colleague, client, or friend, i listen actively and provide thoughtful responses that address their concerns.